TOPIC: How do you respond to negative online reviews/feedback? Do you reach out to the customer, either privately or by directly commenting on their review? Do you have a staff member dedicated to handling that task? Do you seek out a second chance? What do you do when you can prove that their complaints are unfounded?

A cornerstone of our approach is to always be professional, polite, and factual in our replies. Listen to and acknowledge what the customer is saying and feeling. Stay away from responding emotionally, and don’t take it personally, even if the complaint is wrong or trying to rip off the company. We ask for the opportunity to research the circumstances (e.g., speaking with the chauffeur or reservation agent). We always reply to all reviews that we are aware of as quickly as possible—the faster the response the better. If the complaint is legitimate, we take responsibility, apologize, and attempt to negotiate a fair course of action to appease the customer. That could include a refund, complimentary future trip, or something in response to the circumstances.
Randy Allen, Co-Owner/VP of Sales and Marketing
James Limousine Service in Richmond, Va.

We have a dedicated person who oversees all comments and reviews and reaches out to reviewers privately. I recommend doing this anytime you get an online comment. If it is positive, say thanks. If it is negative, say thanks—and then ask how you can be better next time or solve their issue.
You would be amazed at how people may change their tune with just a little humble peacemaking. We usually offer them discounts on their next trip or one hour free on any hourly trips.
Alex Darbahani, Founder & CEO
KLS Worldwide Chauffeured Services in Los Angeles, Calif.

Our social media director is responsible for both monitoring and responding to complaints that occur, which I am happy to say are very few and far between. The best practices are to be professional, conciliatory, and non-confrontational. Always ask that they call and discuss the situation, as you don’t want to have a back-and-forth online that may reflect poorly on your company.
Online complaints are not the only avenue by which clients can offer a compliant or serious suggestion for improvement. In fact, we created a survey through our livery package to provide our clients with an opportunity to reach out to us as our services are being provided. The survey is texted to the client five minutes into the reservation. We find that this gives us accurate, in-the-moment information about how we are doing.
While an overwhelmingly high percentage of our feedback is positive (99.24 percent), we do receive negative feedback occasionally, and that’s when I reach out to the concerned client within a day of receiving their feedback. They are emailed to inform them that we received their complaint and that it has been passed on to management. If their complaint is found to be accurate, we apologize and correct the issue, whether that means comping the ride, re-training the chauffeur, or making a note in the client’s profile to only provide them with a specific type of vehicle, for example. We have found that this fast turnaround with correcting mistakes has given us an opportunity to thank our clients for their help in making our company better. Our response to these comments turns a negative situation into a positive one, and enables our company to grow and improve.
It is always a sticky situation when we find that a complaint is unfounded. We record all phone calls, which, on an almost daily basis, saves us from blame when dealing with car type, date, and pickup time questions. Remember, it is always a good habit to show grace when you are able to prove a client’s complaint is unfounded; it is not a time to say “gotcha.”
My advice is to always be professional and to check your ego at the door when dealing with complaints!
Katy Golden, Marketing Coordinator
Premier Transportation Services in Dallas, Texas

We also reach out to the reviewer privately when possible; in most cases, we are able to turn a negative review into a positive experience. As Director of Business Relations Barry Gross says, “The job is not done until the client has some level of satisfaction.” If the client is satisfied, we ask them to consider amending their review. Sometimes, however, a negative review stands. We believe that providing a prompt and honest public response lets the general public know that we strive not only to meet but also exceed our clients’ expectations.
Therese Howe, Marketing Manager
Reston Limousine in Sterling, Va.

If possible, offer something to “make it right”; be creative and sincere in your apology and offering. In a situation where the complaint is unfounded or false, present the facts in a straightforward format and avoid an emotional response. Ask a colleague to proof your response before you post; remember, online is forever. Give an appropriate offering even if you feel that one is not owed; they have a perception that something was not right, so you should attempt to change their perspective. Think of a complaint as an opportunity to highlight your business and turn a negative into a positive.
Kyara Kahakauwila, Vice President of Operations
L.A. Limousines & Transportation Services in Victoria, British Columbia

Don Mahnke, President
ABC Chauffeured Limousines in San Mateo, Calif.

Anuj Patel, Director of Business Affairs
Windy City Limousines in Chicago, Ill.

Paul Thompson, CEO
Accent Chauffeured Transportation in Santa Fe, N.M.

We investigate on a case-by-case scenario and always put ourselves in the client’s shoes so that we have a higher understanding of the issue. Hopefully they will give us the opportunity to make it right.
From time to time, we get a call from a client who claims that their trip was ordered at a later time and refuses to pay for waiting time. When we get that call, we very politely apologize and tell them that we will listen to the recordings and get back to them. If we find that the recording reveals that they made the error, we call them back and explain that we listened to the recording and found that they did, in fact, order for that time and we will share the recording if they like. They usually just say “OK” and drop the issue.
We work with all of our clients and understand that mistakes happen and things get forgotten, so we take this into consideration when and if we will bill the clients for a trip.
Jonathan Wilner, President
A. Harrington Limousine Service in Edison, N.J.

The key is to get the information from your team, and then call the client before they call you. The main thing is to listen to the client; that is really what they want.
Do not ignore issues. Unfortunately, this is something a lot of companies do. Figure out the problem, listen, work together for a solution, learn from it, and move on to make your company better.
Scott Woodruff, President & CEO
Majestic Limo & Coach in Des Moines, Iowa
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