You asked for it and we listened. In this column, we ask operators of all sizes and from all walks of the industry a question about their business and report their answers so you can assess how your own company compares to your peers. If you would like to participate, please email Rob Smentek at for next issue’s question.
TOPIC: What is the current economy’s impact on your business? Are you optimistic about the growth of your business over the next year and how does it compare to last year? What factors are impacting it the most—positively and negatively?

Maurice Brewster, CEO & Founder
Mosaic Global Transportation in San Jose, Calif.

I do feel very positive and excited about the year ahead, as 2018 has been about educating and changing the way we do business through technology and empowering the team to make them better managers and leaders. In 2017, I introduced a new product within Reliance Group to maintain our growth strategies going into 2018, and it has worked out very well to date. My goal is to grow my people internally in the organization and equip them with the right tools to succeed in our journey.
For me, the key factor in my business is the people I surround myself with. As long as we serve each other and our clients with a clear view of our roadmap, this will be the greatest impact in my growth strategy.
Reza Choudhury, Global Partnership Director
Reliance Worldwide Logistic Solutions in London, U.K.

Beside traffic increases, we are also facing more traffic limitations that will affect our possibilities for pickups and drop-offs, so that is another situation to think about with our future rates.
Richard de Krijger, General Manager
DMC Limousines Worldwide in Amsterdam, Netherlands

I seem to remember hearing that 1,000 people move to Texas every day. The fact that Texas does not have a state income tax and, on average, is a fairly moderate, albeit right-leaning state politically, new corporate headquarters are popping up on every corner. There are record number of cranes in downtown Dallas and the surrounding suburbs, and we are continually having to farm-out business to keep up with demand from our business travelers and corporate partners.
So goes oil, so goes Texas: Oil prices are off from their all-time highs about a decade ago, but the oil and gas (and wind) industry is making a comeback. Ask our friends in Houston how business is going—I would expect them to say resoundingly that it’s great.
We have continued to grow at a very healthy rate—growing too quickly is not good—and I attribute that growth to a strong national economy, a stronger Texas economy, and the best team in the business.
Eric Devlin, President/Owner
Premier Transportation Services in Dallas, Texas

Steve Felt, Owner
Colorado Black Car in Lakewood, Colo.

I think the positive effect of the current economy is that we have increased our customer awareness and our internal quality control. Local regulations are always tough in California, and we have seen what the state has done with new limousine regulations: I surmise that it has put many small companies out of business. We have always purchased new vehicles and have set a policy of not keeping cars for more than 3-6 years. We would like to see regulations apply equally to the rideshare companies so that it would level some of the playing fields, but, on the whole, we’re happy to see that our legislation is waking up to some of their tactics of skating around regulations.
Kevin Illingworth, President
Classique Worldwide Transportation in Orange, Calif.

Hiring staff and chauffeurs is a common pain point for most operations in Boston. We pay really well, but that has not been enough to attract new candidates. The 24/7 nature of the business deters many new potential hires.
The Fed is raising rates and wants to actually slow down the economy before it overheats. TNCs have continued to disrupt the market especially on the retail end, and new disruptors are entering the market weekly. It is hard to keep up with all the moving pieces that are constantly changing.
Mark Kini, President
Boston Chauffeur in Beverly, Mass.

Becky Laramee, CEO
All Points Limousine in Millbury, Mass.

We are fully prepared to take on this opportunity and have a wide presence across India and Asia to service our customer needs. Our investments in our own technology and the latest fleet along with our focus on retaining and grooming the best chauffeurs and team are the key differentiators that keep us ahead of our competition.
Our government is about to finish its term and the country will go into elections in 2019; as the performance of the current government has been meeting public expectations, the opinion polls suggest the current government may continue for the next term as well, adding to a stable political environment in India, which will be good for business.
Aditya Loomba, CEO
ECO Limousine in New Delhi, India

We’ve decided to get more creative and customize our rides to help with cost, but also decided to never cut prices, as that would jeopardize the service we provide. We continue to remain optimistic as we approach the new year, and have increased advertising for more retail work, which I believe is on the upside in our area. Also, we are currently researching the addition of a 40-passenger motorcoach to our fleet.
Chris Peifer, President
Susquehanna Valley Limousine in Northumberland, Pa.

Jeff Shanker, Chief Strategist
Black Tie Transportation in Winston-Salem, N.C.
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