MCTA President Charlie Murray of Total Transportation
Minnesota Chauffeured Transportation Association (MCTA) welcomed more than a dozen attendees to its September 13 meeting at O’Garas Bar and Grille. Among those present were a few new members, like representatives from Midwest Transit Equipment and Erix Coach.
President Charlie Murray of Total Transportation kicked off the meeting before giving his report and turning the mic over to Adam Kiran of meeting sponsor Midwest Transportation Equipment, which also had a bus on display outside the meeting venue.

The meeting included updates on a bill that would regulate TNCs statewide. While the bill didn’t move in the state legislature in 2018, it is expected to in 2019. Additionally, a number of Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) updates included: 2019’s 3.15-percent commercial fee increase that will see livery operators paying $3.36 and taxis paying $4.50; construction continuing in a new parking ramp (expected to be completed in 2020), which will be followed by the opening of a new transit center; and MCTA members strategizing ways for their services to receive signage comparable to that of TNCs.
The September meeting provided the opportunity to check out a Midwest Transportation Equipment bus
Mike McKay of MNDOT was the meeting’s guest speaker. After thanking everyone again for their efforts to ensure that Super Bowl transportation went smoothly, McKay noted that his office is focusing on customer service now that its restructuring is complete. A “rulemaker” has been hired, and a group will be created to address the rules overseeing the state’s chauffeured transportation providers. He also noted that MNDOT is awaiting direction from the new administration, as it does not yet have any proposed state legislation for 2019.
Vice President Gus Ortis of executive transportation then led a discussion about the tips and tricks of the trade, including phone systems, warranties, maintenance (especially relating to repairs and tires), insurance companies, vehicle types, body work, reservation systems, and car models.
Members were entered into a raffle to win a pass to the 2018 Chauffeur Driven Show, which CD had donated to the association. MCTA Secretary/Treasurer Chad Peterson of Renee’s Royal Valet was the lucky winner.
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