You asked for it and we listened. In this column, we ask operators of all sizes and from all walks of the industry a question about their business and report their answers so you can assess how your own company compares to your peers. If you would like to participate, please email Rob Smentek at for next issue’s question.
TOPIC: Describe your experience with electronic logging devices (ELDs). What challenges have you faced when adopting this technology in your fleet?

Liz Arnold, VP of Midwest Operations
Infinity Transportation in Des Plaines, Ill.

Educating the chauffeur staff, especially those who are resistant to technology, can be especially challenging. We spend many hours reteaching staff or directing them to instructional videos on how to operate the iPad that syncs with the ELD in the vehicle. We tell them they need to be certain the location services is on, the ELD is plugged securely in the vehicle, making sure they fill out the DVIR (or Driver Vehicle Inspection Report) completely, and that they understand that the system will automatically change their status. It’s a matter of teaching staff to trust the technology.
On the tech side, the challenge is simply finding the ELD solution that is the best for your operation. We’ve tried a few and also listened to others’ horror stories to help guide us to our best one. Do your research and ask questions pertinent to your business model. If you service overnight trips, make sure that the system can tolerate the hours worked and drivers needed during that time. Most importantly, make sure that the system works in your area. Remember, most of the devices have a SIM card in them, just like your cellphone. If a certain cell provider does not have a strong signal in your area, you do not want the ELD provider to use that service in your device. Lastly, learn the system so well that you can easily explain it when the questions arise from your staff.
Jay Bowers, General Manager
AJL International in Dallas, Texas

We took advantage of the grace period and installed the ELDs immediately into our whole fleet (six Van Terras, 20 minibuses, 27 activity buses, and 28 motorcoaches). We provide our chauffeurs with ongoing ELD training and ensure they have the user’s manual while on the road, along with an instruction sheet on reporting ELD malfunctions and recordkeeping procedures. They are required to have paper logbooks for at least eight days of use, and we also have a logging app available that can be used if the ELD does not work properly.
We did experience technical difficulties with some of our coaches as well, but our vendors have been able to resolve them. When looking for an ELD vendor, be aware that you are responsible for ensuring that you are using a registered vendor for your ELD equipment. Using equipment from a vendor who is not registered is a violation.
However, I would say the biggest challenge has been getting our chauffeurs adjusted to the technological changes. Some are not as tech savvy, so they tend to struggle with the new routine. Our ELD technology requires you to connect to the internet. Sometimes this process takes a few minutes, but the chauffeurs are so used to arriving, doing the pre-check, and moving along that they struggle with the waiting and connecting.
Johan DeLeeuw, President
Cooper Global Chauffeured Transportation in Atlanta, Ga.

We mainly faced challenges during the transitional period. Since our vehicles spend more time on the road than in our garage, it was a logistical hurdle to find the time to install the new ELDs. Our solution involved coordinating with our dispatch team to trade the vehicles’ downtime to correlate with installation. Another challenge that occurred during the transition was managing the hours of service as they are being reported in the systems, while maintaining DOT compliance. Since our chauffeurs are not always in the same vehicle and not all vehicles were equipped with the same ELD system, it took some diligence to make sure both systems reflected the same hours of service.
Adrian Esparza, DOT Compliance & Safety Manager
Premier Transportation Services in Dallas, Texas

Ashley Richey Goldston, General Manager Affiliate Relations
Going Costal Transportation in Charleston, S.C.

Chris Przybylski, Co-owner
Limo & Bus Compliance in San Antonio, Texas

The second challenge was getting chauffeurs up to speed on the use of the device. Ultimately, there is a lot more to an ELD than just logging in and out at the end of your job.
Steve Rhoads, President
New Rhoads Transportation in Douglassville, Pa.

Jeff Shanker, Chief Strategy Officer
Black Tie Transportation in Winston Salem, N.C.

The first challenge we experienced after adopting the tech related to unassigned hours of service. Every time a vehicle moves—even if it’s just to the car wash or within the lot—it requires the time to be assigned. While we have a general ELD log-in for our detailers or maintenance staff, sometimes they straight-up forget to log in. It’s important to determine whether the system offers notifications for unassigned hours and has a plan in place to report them. In our case, the technology we use has cameras, so we’re able to see who was behind the wheel at that time and assign the hours appropriately.
A huge challenge for operators is that ELDs cannot differentiate between driving a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) and non-CMV. The FMSCA dictates that time behind the wheel of a CMV goes against driving hours, while driving a sedan or non-CMV counts only as on duty hours. Because the ELD cannot differentiate, it essentially will create a false log by logging drive time in a non-CMV vehicle. This can come back and bite you during an audit if you have a particularly strict examiner.
Lastly, before you adopt technology, you need to determine the vendor’s method for replacing an ELD. Find out if the vendor/manufacturer will replace the broken or malfunctioning item, how quickly, and if the collected data will transfer to another ELD.
Scott Woodruff, President/CEO
Majestic Limousine & Coach in Des Moines, Iowa
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