Ready to plan out your schedule? We’ve got you covered! Tons more information about the show is available on our official show app, sponsored by North Point Global Transportation Services. Your smartphone is your key to all that CD/NLA has to offer: Set your own personalized agenda directly on the app, request meetings with other industry people and vendors, and earn points toward an incredible grand prize with our Digital Passport. See page 38 for more details.
If you’re looking for...
While our entire show is built on maximizing your networking time, there are a few can’t-miss events if you’re specifically looking to mingle with your peers, cultivate relationships with affiliates, or become more involved. Remember: Networking opportunities abound at our shows, so don’t be afraid to spark up a conversation during breakfast or one of our lunches (sponsored by Grech Motors, Titus Leasing, and Prevost), between education sessions, or while on the way to your next event.
If you’re hoping to boost your affiliate connections, then you’ll want to join our Affiliate Central Global Partner Forum. This smashingly popular event is an attendee favorite because you can meet with dozens of companies all in one spot. You control the pace: Speak with as many affiliates as you want, and be ready to impress. Come see why this is one that your fellow operators rave about. Of course, if you have an eye focused on global partners, add our International Meet & Greet to your agenda. This mid-afternoon session, complete with beer, wine, and a cheese spread, is the perfect time to mix with operators from all over the globe and see where the conversations lead you. We’re truly an international community, and there will be plenty of representation from all corners of the planet on hand to converse with you.
"I have attended many industry shows over the past years, but I think that the interaction is best at the Chauffeur Driven ones. I am looking forward to Las Vegas!” - Dennis Jansen of Dutch Business Limousine B.V.

Don’t forget about our vast show floor, which is packed with more than 100 vendors, suppliers, tech companies, associations, and vehicles manufacturers of all sizes. It is not only a fantastic place to strike up a conversation with our exhibitors, but also where you can score a sweet deal on the very things you need to run your business. Plus, be sure to stop by the NLA Lounge and take a load off by pulling up a comfy chair and chatting with NLA staff and other members. You’ll be glad that you did!

Two words: Grant Cardone. If you are looking for some serious motivation to kick your butt into high gear, fall back in love with your business, or break out of a rut—or all of the above—our Keynote (sponsored by Grech Motors and Mercedes-Benz) absolutely should be on your list of must-attends. Cardone built his fortune through real estate, among other ventures, and now is an internationally renowned sales trainer, bestselling author of several books, and the driving force behind the 10X Movement. He works directly with everyone from entrepreneurs with no staff and small businesses to Fortune 500 companies to help them hone their sales training and turn their teams into selling machines, so you know the immediate takeaway is going to be huge.
Want to meet with Grant? We still have a few spots left for our exclusive Platinum VIP and Diamond VIP experiences, but you must pre-register ASAP at CDNLAshow.com.
Here’s what you get:
Platinum VIP Experience ($500)
• A photo opportunity with Cardone
• Three of Cardone’s top-selling books, including one that is signed!
• Front-row seating at the Keynote
Diamond VIP Experience ($1,000)
• All of the above PLUS an exclusive lunch with Cardone and other Diamond VIP participants
Platinum VIP Experience ($500)
• A photo opportunity with Cardone
• Three of Cardone’s top-selling books, including one that is signed!
• Front-row seating at the Keynote
Diamond VIP Experience ($1,000)
• All of the above PLUS an exclusive lunch with Cardone and other Diamond VIP participants
Your professional development is the among the primary goals of both the NLA and CD, so like networking, we’ve weaved educational opportunities into practically every event on our schedule. Topics have been carefully and thoughtfully developed over months by the NLA, CD, and the CD/NLA Show Education Committee comprising industry operators just like you (and one vendor company that specializes in business development) who are led by co-chairs Jason Sharenow of Broadway Elite Worldwide and Tracy Raimer of Windy City Limousine & Bus. Operators of all sizes and stages will find these sessions valuable and thought-provoking, whether you run two cars or you’ve been in business for 30 years.
Our dedicated seminars (sponsored by FASTTRAK) will examine all areas of your operation, from social media to your fleet. Delve into sales and marketing with sessions such as Embracing & Implementing Dynamic and Advanced Pricing Models, Commit to Selling! Are You Growing Business in Your Own Backyard?, and Finding the Right Balance of Profitability vs. Scale. HR and management issues will be front and center in How to Effectively Pay Chauffeurs, CDLs, and Drivers for a Win-Win; Running Your Business Remotely and Managing Remote Employees; and Successful Leadership Starts at the Top, But Resonates Throughout. Round that out with Safety
Got Faeth? Bill Faeth and his Limo University team will offer four sessions geared toward smaller and midsize operators for hours of in-depth training to grow your business and prepare to take it to the next level today and in the future. Faeth will be joined by Kelly Alderete of Premier Transportation of Dallas (and other special guests!) to share how to build a sales and marketing strategy; how to prepare, win, and profit from affiliate business; and the secrets to winning large, lucrative corporate accounts. Faeth will also hold Limo U Academy education sessions at the Limo U booth on the show floor. Learning opportunities are everywhere!

Show Nuggets on the App!
Official Show App
We’ve gone digital! Our app, sponsored by North Point Global Transportation Services, is your gateway to all of our show’s exhibitors, attendees, speakers, events, floor plans, social media, and so much more—in other words, everything you need to navigate the CD/NLA Show. If you need it, we have an app for that (cheesy, we know).
Create a Personal Agenda
You can schedule personal appointments with other app users, whether it’s having coffee with an affiliate or dinner with a vendor. Don’t forget that you can also customize your show agenda by saving events that you don’t want to miss and receive reminders.
Exclusive Coupons and Deals
Be in the know with our exclusive show-only savings that allow you to take home the products or purchase the services that you need at deep discounts! Click on the Coupons tab in the app to see the exhibitors who have a special offer to make it a bit easier on your wallet. These hot deals are only available on our app, and expire with the close of the show, so be sure to check them out.
Show Floor Digital Passport
It’s back! We debuted our Digital Passport at our Boston show in October 2019 and you loved it, so it’s even better for 2020. How it works: Many of our exhibitors will have a QR code displayed somewhere in their booth that you can scan (through the app) to collect points. The more booths you visit, the more points you get. Plus, we’ll have bonus chances to score extra points, so turn those app notifications on. You not only get to see all of the amazing products and deals that our exhibitors have to offer, your points translate into chances to win our grand prize, which will be announced on Wednesday afternoon on the show floor.
Search CD/NLA Show in your favorite app store and download today!
…Ways to Get Involved

We’ve gone digital! Our app, sponsored by North Point Global Transportation Services, is your gateway to all of our show’s exhibitors, attendees, speakers, events, floor plans, social media, and so much more—in other words, everything you need to navigate the CD/NLA Show. If you need it, we have an app for that (cheesy, we know).
Create a Personal Agenda
You can schedule personal appointments with other app users, whether it’s having coffee with an affiliate or dinner with a vendor. Don’t forget that you can also customize your show agenda by saving events that you don’t want to miss and receive reminders.
Exclusive Coupons and Deals
Be in the know with our exclusive show-only savings that allow you to take home the products or purchase the services that you need at deep discounts! Click on the Coupons tab in the app to see the exhibitors who have a special offer to make it a bit easier on your wallet. These hot deals are only available on our app, and expire with the close of the show, so be sure to check them out.
Show Floor Digital Passport
It’s back! We debuted our Digital Passport at our Boston show in October 2019 and you loved it, so it’s even better for 2020. How it works: Many of our exhibitors will have a QR code displayed somewhere in their booth that you can scan (through the app) to collect points. The more booths you visit, the more points you get. Plus, we’ll have bonus chances to score extra points, so turn those app notifications on. You not only get to see all of the amazing products and deals that our exhibitors have to offer, your points translate into chances to win our grand prize, which will be announced on Wednesday afternoon on the show floor.
Search CD/NLA Show in your favorite app store and download today!
As the saying goes, we’re stronger together than alone, and our industry is proving time and time again just how incredibly powerful we can be when we pool our collective resources and talents for a unified voice. Associations are doing amazing things, so if you’re curious about getting more involved, we have you covered.
In addition to open meetings of the Florida Limousine Association, Minority Limousine Operators of America, and the brand-new European Passenger Transportation Association (read more about its cool origins on page 26), our Association Summit features leadership from many of the industry’s top advocacy organizations to discuss where we are, where we’re going, and what local and national challenges still need our attention and passion. All are invited to join, learn, and be heard.
"This show is the best opportunity to grow your business! Global contacts, excellent guidance, and a show with every product you will ever need to be successful. The best education for the money!” - Bruce Adcox of AGENDA:USAThe NLA will also host its Annual Membership Meeting (sponsored by National Interstate Insurance) on Monday, February 24. All NLA members, as well as any interested parties who are ready to join the association, are invited to the meeting, which will recap its regulatory efforts in 2019, address what’s coming for 2020, and open the floor to members. The NLA was founded with industry unity as its driving force, and for more than three decades, the association has been defending the rights of chauffeured transportation operators, spearheading education, and generating leads for its members. In addition to the NLA Board, including President Gary Buffo, NLA staff will be on hand during the entire show to answer any questions you have about the good works that the association does on behalf of the industry and how you can take a more active role. And be sure to stop by the NLA Lounge on the show floor.
The NLA will also be our co-host for our Awards Dinner & Charity Event, a night where we celebrate our industry’s best with our first-ever Driven By Excellence Awards, in conjunction with our charity event to benefit the NLA’s longtime philanthropic vehicle, the Harold Berkman Memorial Fund. All attendees are welcome to attend for only $50 per person. Read more about this moving and elegant affair on page 30.
Let’s be honest: This is one of the hardest-working industries on the planet. Even if you can sneak away for some R&R, your business doesn’t have snow days or holidays or sick days. That’s why our evening events are the salve you need to unplug for a while, and who better to hang with than your industry friends? Hey, this is Vegas, baby!

A Few Quick Reminders
Have you booked your hotel yet? Stay at the host property, Mandalay Bay, for only $168 per night. Reserve your room online at CDNLAshow.com and be sure to mention CDNLA2020 for your discount. The Delano, which is located right next door, is available for $198 per night.
Have you already registered for the show but would like to attend the Awards Dinner & Charity Event? Complete your registration online at bit.ly/30c33d9. Prices are slightly higher onsite, so book before the show for only $50.

Finally, if you’ve never been to Vegas, be sure to bring your comfy shoes because the beautiful Mandalay Bay is an impressive but large property. We suggest casual attire for our Opening Night Reception.
All of the latest updates are available at CDNLAshow.com, in CD’s and the NLA’s e-news, and in the show app. We’re so excited to see you this February in fabulous Las Vegas! [CD0120]