Williamstown, N.J. —The holiday spirit was in full swing on November 19 when Cross Keys Coach held their first-ever stuff-a-limo toy drive to benefit Toys for Tots. Local vendors and entertainment also took part in the all-day event.
“We had a good year and felt it was time to give something back to the community,” explained Don Kensey, president of Cross Keys Coach.
In addition to food trucks, a DJ, a selfie booth, and bounce houses for the kids, the one-and-only Santa Claus was present to take free photos with attendees inside a limo bus.
“Other than just having a limo here to collect toys, we wanted do ‘go big or go home’ and make it something we could do every year and shine a light on our town,” Kensey said.
The company distributed 2000 flyers throughout the South Jersey region with help from area teens and school children.
By the day’s end, a stretch limousine was filled to capacity with hundreds of new and unwrapped toys. The limo was then driven to a Toys for Tots facility in Clarksboro, N.J, with an escort from the Legion Riders of Williamstown motorcycle club.
Visit crosskeyscoach.com or toysfortots.org for more information.