Chief among the meeting’s topics were: airport updates, especially the four-month backlog of obtaining operational permits from San Diego International; the state’s consideration of revoking livery industry oversight from the Public Utility Commission, a move supported by GCLA; and how the following day’s legislative endeavor would support the association’s prevailing theme of public safety.
With 21 attendees participating in this year’s Day on the Hill, GCLA was able to send its representatives to more than 30 meetings with elected officials. Armed with talking points and association-supplied information, GCLA spoke with assemblymembers, consultants, senators, and committees about three primary areas of public safety, illustrating how chauffeured ground transportation’s standards go above and beyond TNCs’ considerably more lax requirements.

David Kinney of API Global has been actively involved with the GCLA’s legislative efforts in the past, and was pleased with the outcome of his first Day on the Hill as association president.
“The day went really well,” he said. “The most important part was educating our representatives about who the GCLA is. This is the third year we’ve done this, and we’re getting more and more exposure—they know us a little better so they’re getting more responsive to us.”
The GCLA made a video about its Day on the Hill, which can be seen at goo.gl/ZD8sWD.
The association’s next general membership meeting will be March 13 in Las Vegas.
Visit gcla.org for more information. [CD0317]