NLA President Gary Buffo of Pure Luxury TransportationIn the coming weeks, the National Limousine Association (NLA) will begin accepting nominations for the 2018 NLA Board of Directors Election. Any NLA members who want to get more involved, shape the future of the association, and represent the members in their region are strongly encouraged to consider submitting a nomination.
To prepare yourself, please review the eligibility information, commitment requirements, and expectations below prior to submitting your nomination.
Make Sure You are Eligible
According to NLA bylaws (Article 6, Sections B and C), all prospective directors must meet the following criteria:
1. The individual must be a corporate officer or principal of a Regular Active Member (operator) company that has been a Regular Active Member for at least two consecutive years.
2. Any Regular Active Member sharing common ownership with another Regular Active Member can only have one representative on the NLA Board of Directors at one time.
3. A member of the NLA Board shall not be a member of another board of directors that is competitive to the NLA or the limousine industry.
4. Membership dues must be current for the Regular Active Member.
Which Board Seats are Up for Election This Year?
The following seats on the NLA Board are up for election for the 2018-2021 term:
1. At Large: 2 seats (any state in U.S.)
2. US Central Region: 1 seat (AR, IA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, OK, SD, TX, WI)
3. US Northeast Region: 1 seat (CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT)
4. US Southeast Region: 2 seats (AL, DC, DE, FL, GA, KY, MD, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV)
5. US West Region: 1 seat (AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY)
Items You Will Need to Submit
Below is the list of items that you will need to submit with your application. Be sure to submit all items; otherwise, your nomination will be incomplete and not considered by the Nominating Committee.
1. A brief biography that describes your background in the limousine industry.
2. A paragraph that explains why you want to serve on the NLA Board and what your goals are for the NLA if you are elected.
3. A photograph of yourself (in electronic format).
4. Proof of legality in the cities/states/airports in which the member operates. (Example: state, city, or airport permit or license)
5. Certificate of insurance verifying Regular Active Member compliance with the state/federal requirements.
6. Proof of your corporate officer position. (Example: Corporate resolution or articles of incorporation listing officers/shareholders)
7. An explanation of anything the Nominating Committee should know about you that might reflect adversely on the NLA.
What Else Do I Need to Know?
Being a member of any board is not just a title or something to put on your resume: There are commitments that each director must make, both of their time and financially. The Board meets face-to-face four times a year and via conference call another eight times. Additional conference calls are held as needed and there is action that must be taken via email periodically.
For most members, each in-person meeting includes flights and a hotel stay. The NLA provides a per-diem reimbursement that will cover some travel and lodging costs, but each board member covers the remainder of the costs. It is important to note that these meetings also mean time away from your business and family. Please make sure that you are comfortable with this and are able to devote your time and resources to the NLA prior to submitting your application.
In addition to the Board meetings and conference calls, board members are also assigned to be a co-chair of at least one NLA committee. Some of the committees meet via conference call weekly, others monthly or bi-monthly. Your committee involvement and participation is vital to the success of the association and where a lot of the "action" happens.
What Happens Next?
You will receive an email within the next couple weeks notifying members that the NLA is now accepting board nominations. If you have any questions at any time during the process, please email and the NLA staff will either answer it or forward it to the appropriate person to answer.
Visit for more information.
What You Need to Know About Running for the NLA Board
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