AOT Global World Class Chauffeured Transportation
Tuesday, March 04, 2025

MCTA MCTA members met up March 7 for the association’s second meeting of the year Minneapolis — The Minnesota Chauffeured Transportation Association (MCTA) held its second membership meeting of 2019 March 7 at Kip’s Irish Pub. A social hour kicked off the meeting at 5:30, and was followed by dinner and welcoming statements from MCTA President Gus Ortis of Executive Transportation.

The evening’s first presentation was from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Mike McKay from MNDOT’s Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations provided an update on interstate carries and sought input on increasing vehicles for the Final Four. Mark Mullen discussed MNDOT’s roadside inspection program for commercial vehicles.

To submit commercial vehicle operations complaints, the online application is located at MCTA members can also call MNDOT’s dedicated complaints line at 651.366.3661. If you would like more information about the process, contact Will Jensen-Kowski at and he can assist you.

The second presentation was from Annabelle Juin from the Minneapolis Final Four Local Organizing Committee. She provided an update on Final Four activities relating to transportation, parking, and drop-off zones.

Information regarding transportation issues for the Final Four has been emailed to members. Please contact Peter Glessing at if you have further questions.

Visit for more information.
