Lancer Insurance
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Chosen Payments staff and GCLA L to R: DeSean Francis, Rick Brodsly, Kacy Waxman, Jeff Brodsly, GCLA President Mo Garkani, Katie Martinez, and Jim LuffMoorpark, Calif. — Chosen Payments, a provider of credit card processing in the ground transportation industry, has been recognized by the Greater California Livery Association (GCLA) for its longstanding support as a sponsor and event organizer. Chosen Payments CEO Jeff Brodsly previously served as 2nd vice president of GCLA.

GCLA President Mo Garkani presented Brodsly with its 2019 Award of Excellence at a membership meeting held in Los Angeles on May 14. Garkani stated the award was being presented to Brodsly and the entire Chosen Payments team for “generous donations, recognition of outstanding professionalism, support, sponsorship and industry involvement in California.” Garkani went on to say, “As much as you’ve done, I don’t think there is any possibility that we could ask for more.”

Chosen Payments GCLA Award GCLA Award of ExcellenceUpon receiving the award, Brodsly quickly turned the attention to the many Chosen Payments staff members in attendance and recognized their efforts. During an acceptance speech, Brodsly said, “Without my team, we would be nothing. I can’t stand up here and say I did this. Congratulations, Chosen Team.” Brodsly then invited team members to join him on stage.

After receiving the award, Brodsly shared his passion for helping Chosen Payments merchants grow its businesses through weekly educational articles, support of regional, state, and national associations, and, of course, the continued commitment to help their partner associations grow their membership. Brodsly believes the strength in numbers can make a difference through membership volume discounts as well as being heard in legislation. Chosen Payments is sponsoring the NLA’s upcoming Day on the Hill, and Brodsly and Chosen Payments staff members will once again walk the halls of Congress with fellow NLA members.

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