AOT Global World Class Chauffeured Transportation
Thursday, March 06, 2025

fridingerMLA President Joanna FridingerHalethorpe, Md.—The most recent, bi-monthly meeting of Maryland Limousine Association (MLA) took place at American Legion Post 109, and will be new home of all MLA meetings, moving forward.

As seems to be the way of things throughout the industry Uber, and other ridesharing companies, are a topic of great concern to operators in the Old Line State. MLA President Joanna Fridinger of The Limo Lady stated that the Maryland Public Service Commission is not trying to shut down these companies, but rather make them go through the same requirements that those in the chauffeured ground transportation industry have to in regards to licensing, insurance, etc. Fridinger also remarked that these companies (especially Uber) have deep pockets, so it is up to MLA members to let their local and state representatives know how important this issue is, and how it directly effects the livelihood of those working in the transportation industry. To that end, Fridinger sent out a “form” letter to all MLA members that addressed these issues and several others. It was Fridinger’s hope that MLA members would put their own signatures on this letter, then send it off to their political representatives. Lastly, Fridinger stressed the importance of the MLA’s vendor members to take part in this form letter campaign as well because they need to present a united front in this effort.

The Baltimore City Tax (which would impose a proposed $1.50 fee per SUV and a $1.50 per passenger fee for vans) was bandied about the room as the next point of discussion. There still seems to be a great deal of confusion about this tax, on both sides of the issue, mostly in regard to what amount the actual tax will be, collection, payment, and the ultimate enforcement of this tax. It was suggested by Jeff Wyvill of Flynn Executive Limousine that the MLA should contact the Maryland Restaurant Association to advise them of this new tax, which would also impact restaurant owners, to see if they could offer insight and/or assistance. The course of action proposed by Wyvill was taken under advisement.

Guest speaker Robert Testoni from J.J. Keller & Associates spoke about how electronic logs are now mandatory if you travel outside the 100 miles radius of your base at least eight times a month. Testoni also talked about his “Build a Smarter Compliance Program,” which focuses on eliminating risks and saving lives.

Finally, a vote was taken on whether or not the MLA should remain NLA members. After some discussion on the pros and cons of this membership the vote was taken, and a majority of MLA members agreed to remain in the NLA.

The next meeting of the MLA will be held on May 20.

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