The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued a Draft Resolution TL-19131 in mid-July for public comment. According to the text of the resolution, it “requires carriers to obey the California Governor’s executive orders, orders of California’s State Public Health Officer, and orders of the local city and/or county where the carriers are operating, whichever order is most restrictive.” It would be up to the carrier to know the proper protocol to follow according to state and local guidance. The latest version of the resolution can be read here.

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) identified four stages for the state’s reopening, or Roadmap to Recovery, although some cities or counties have be moving through the stages at different paces due to an uptick in cases of COVID-19 in the recent weeks.
On July 2, the CDPH—in concert with the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) and the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA), and based on CDC guidelines—released COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Public and Private Passenger Carriers, Transit, and Intercity Passenger Rail. The full text can be read here.
The CPUC resolution also requires carriers to provide training to drivers on the CDC and CDPH guidelines and provide all personal protective equipment (PPE) recommended in those guidelines. Carriers will be required to have a written COVID-19 emergency plan in place and to submit such plans to the CPUC, which will make them open to public inspection. This CPUC resolution also extends the suspension period to 180 days for specific causes for suspension of a carrier’s permit or certificate prior to its revocation and suspends the $125 reinstatement fee. The extension will apply to any carrier suspended between March 19, 2020 (when California’s stay-at-home ordered was issued) until the state has reached stage 4 of the Roadmap to Recovery. The fees will be waived until 90 days after California reaches stage 4.
Draft Resolution TL-19131 is open to public comment now and is excepted to be part of the CPUC's meeting agenda on August 6.
The latest information on the resolution can be found here.
Additional information provided by Windels Marx.