The Federal Transit Administration recently debuted its FTA COVID-19 Recovery Discussion Forum, a portal where transit agencies can post questions or ideas about best practices in keeping passengers safe. While it’s intended for transit agencies and not necessarily chauffeured transportation, the questions and answers can provide some valuable insight and even advice into how public transportation is managing the virus with their passengers. Good ideas can come from anywhere, right? The forum can be accessed here: https://usdot.uservoice.com/forums/930736-fta-covid-19-recovery-discussion-forum

The forum was launched in conjunction with the FTA’s Recovery Listening Sessions, a webinar series that tackles topics such as Maintaining Healthy Operations and Keeping Transit Workers Safe and Supporting the Health, Safety, and Confidence of Transit Riders. The next webinar, Managing Vehicles and Facilities in a New Service Environment, will take place September 24. Other upcoming topics include: Innovations in Restoring Passenger Confidence and Managing COVID-19 Operational Considerations (October 2020), Value-Added Services for Public Transportation as Communities Recover (November 2020), and Understanding and Addressing Changing Rider Needs (December 2020). Registration is required here, which includes access to previous session recordings.
Visit the FTA’s dedicated COVID-19 resource page for more information.