United Motorcoach Association (UMA) Chairman Jeff Polzien announced last week the launch of a search for a new President/CEO. UMA Vice Chairman David Moody is leading the search committee.

“When UMA tapped Larry Killingsworth to be our interim President and CEO in February 2020, for six to nine months while we searched for a permanent leader, little did we know what was ahead. We are grateful to Larry for leading us through these past fifteen months and continuing with UMA through the search process,” said Moody.
Moody expects it will take three to six months for the committee to complete its work. “UMA has played a vital role for its members during the pandemic, and will continue to deliver the critical support that is needed,” he said. “It is now time for our organization to turn our focus to the future and bring in the next leader of UMA.”
Some of the specific initiatives cited by UMA include:
- Teaming up with other industry groups to conduct a powerful advocacy program for the motorcoach industry that resulted in the CERTS program, the first-ever direct funding from the federal government for our industry.
- Providing financial relief for operator members by suspending dues for the 12 months ending March 31, 2021.
- Dramatically increasing the timeliness of information by moving the industry leading Bus & Motorcoach News to a digital format, launching the Daily NewsFlash, and conducting 58 Town Halls every Thursday at 2p.m. ET. (register here)
- Shifting the annual Sales Summit and Safety Management Seminar from live meetings to a safer and more cost-effective virtual format, with record attendance at each.
- Planned and delivered a live EXPO in Orlando in April, 2021, the first industrywide gathering in more than a year. UMA’s Annual Motorcoach EXPO is North America’s premier equipment show and will continue to be the source for the coach operator to learn, strengthen, and grow their businesses and relationships.
- Relaunched a strengthened BusRates.com on March 1, 2021, to provide a powerful tool for its subscribers to respond to the trend toward online search for transportation services.
The job listing is available here.
Visit uma.org for more information.