The Minority Limousine Operators of America (MLOA) recently held a membership meeting/webinar on Wednesday, August 24. Moderated by MLOA Vice President Travis Latham of Fellowship Fleet Limousine and Bus, the Zoom event’s focus was on risk management and included risk management specialist Charlie Robertson to speak about insurance matters.
Kicking things off with some housekeeping, Latham announced that the MLOA retreat planned for September has been delayed indefinitely. Citing rising COVID rates, as well as the surge in monkey pox, he insisted that “safety is paramount” and the MLOA isn’t willing to risk its members’ health. Also, Latham revealed that the association’s website had been hacked and work is being done to get it back and running ASAP. Before the insurance discussion got underway, new member Brian Warren of TL Worldwide in Akron, Ohio, was welcomed to the organization.

With the MLOA taking an approach to be better students of the insurance industry, they have formed an insurance coalition (dubbed the “IC crew”) to share information and best practices relating to insurance. Ultimately, the MLOA’s goal is to create a captive insurance program that the association can offer to its membership. Having guest experts like Robertson is another way the MLOA is educating its membership on insurance matters.

Robertson shared some useful bullet points on how to avoid costly litigation. A huge factor remains driver criteria and selection, as attorneys are now often seeking “negligence” claims relating to hiring and training. Robertson advised operators to keep thorough electronic logs: “the more on file, the better.” Also, operators were instructed to avoid firing chauffeurs following an “at-fault” accident. While this may seem counter-intuitive, the thinking is that keeping them happy keeps them on your side should there be a claim against the company. Before turning the webinar over to questions, Robertson shared a few additional best practices to avoid costly claims: keep an up-to-date fleet safety handbook, regularly review driver files, conduct accident investigation training, and offer an incentive program for safe driving.
Visit mlooa.org for more information.