AOT Global World Class Chauffeured Transportation
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Have you always been curious how other operators were compensating their staff? Are you curious how your own salary compares with that of your industry peers? You can be a part of something historic by completing a confidential industry salary survey. While many have responded‚ we still need your reply—the more participants we have‚ the more accurate the data. A few minutes of your time will yield big results which may help you become more competitive in hiring.

Chauffeur Driven partnered with The LMC Group to produce a comprehensive‚ industry-specific salary survey‚ the results of which will be presented in Kristen Carroll’s seminar on Sunday‚ November 2: “How to Compensate and Motivate Employees.” The LMC Group created the survey and has the experience and expertise to analyze the data for the most useful statistics to date. The results will also be published in a future issue of Chauffeur Driven.

The survey is completely confidential and only takes a few minutes to complete. Please complete the survey now‚ by clicking the following:
