A joint open meeting of the Virginia Limousine Association (VLA) and Maryland Limousine Association (MLA) will be held at Hampton Inn Dulles Cascades in Sterling, Va., on June 28. Previously scheduled for the headquarters of American Executive Transportation, the event has been moved due to increased interest and attendance.

Co-chaired by VLA Vice President Paul Walsh of Superior Executive Transportation and MLA President Len Joseph of On the Town Limousine, the meeting’s chief purpose is to address the “Clean Hands Code” currently in effect in Washington, D.C. This legislation, put into effect in April 2020, requires operators to pay a $650 per vehicle biannual fee in order to provide point-to-point service within D.C. city limits (although it does not apply to trips that originate outside district limits). Agents of the Washington, D.C. Department of For Hire Vehicles (DHV) are reportedly cracking down at popular destinations like airports and stadiums, and impounding vehicles on site if their paperwork is not in order.
“With three major airports, there is a huge amount of opportunity for operators within the District of Columbia,” says Walsh. However, he says the Clean Hands Code makes providing service within the city very complicated and difficult, particularly for smaller operators.
At the meeting, Walsh and Joseph state that they are looking to assemble a committee of dedicated operators to approach the DHV with their “asks.”

“I realize that we aren’t going to resolve anything at this first meeting,” says Joseph. “But we hope to create a blueprint of expectations and establish a committee so we can put a plan of action in place.”

While the meeting is free for all operators to attend (membership in the VLA or MLA is not required), the associations ask that interested parties RSVP to admin@virginialimousineassociation.org.
Visit virginialimousineassociation.org or mdlimoassoc.org for more information.