Lancer Insurance
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
CD/NLA Show Orlando

Hey, are you snoozing on the CD/NLA Show Early Bird Rate?The discounted price ends this Friday, September 8, so that leaves you with just two days left to save considerable coin on the registration for our Orlando show on October 22-25. Take advantage today to get your full show pass for only $449. And don’t forget, NLA members save an additional $75 off the already reduced rate. Click here now to register.

CD/NLA Show Orlando

Once you register, you can start planning your educational programming for the event. The CD/NLA Educational Committee has assembled more than 16 hours of sessions and roundtables designed to bring immediate ROI to your business. Whether you have one car or 100, you’re bound to find some intriguing and useful content.

CD/NLA Show Orlando Speaker Ken Lucci of Driving Transactions

For example, on Monday morning, October 23, at 9:30, Financial Expert Ken Lucci of Driving Transactions takes the wheel for From Chaos to Clarity: Taking Control of Your Financials. In this classroom-style session, you’ll be empowered to make informed decisions that optimize your company's performance and bottom line. This seminar will take you through what you need to know to get your financial house in order. You’ll discover why you need orderly records, how you know your finances are on track, and what your chart of accounts should look like for a great P&L. You’ll also learn how a P&L connects to the balance sheet along with solid hints and tricks peppered throughout.

“Driving Transactions has reviewed financial information from over 250 transportation companies, and there is quite a bit of chaos—which is why we developed this session,” says Lucci. “Chaos is not being able to produce monthly financials and not tracking critical financial metrics while having low profits, high expenses, and high debts. Simply put—flying financially blind. On the flipside, clarity is having the complete financial picture of your business, comparing trends, managing critical metrics, and knowing your profit margins so when you need to make major financial decisions you have all the data at your fingertips.”

CD/NLA Show Orlando Moderator Karl Guenther of Statement Limousine CD/NLA Show Orlando Moderator Tiffany Hinton of MOTEV CD/NLA Show Orlando

For a different approach to learning, join us on Tuesday, October 24, at 10 a.m. for an engaging and interactive roundtable entitled Building Bridges to Enhance Organizational Success. Moderators Karl Guenther of Statement Limousine and Tiffany Hinton of MOTEV will cultivate an environment where operators can thrive. Discover the keys to nurturing a workplace that celebrates individuality, bolsters team involvement, and supports enduring careers. Connect with fellow operators from various backgrounds to collaborate, learn from one another, and collectively build a more engaged and inspired team. In this open roundtable format, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions about how DEI impacts your business, while each table will discuss and share with the room and provide expert feedback.

“I am really looking forward to taking a deeper look into what makes up our company DNA, and how we can truly build a company culture and network that embodies who we truly are,” says Guenther. “I am looking forward to collaborating with each and everyone of you at this can’t miss session!” 

For a full schedule of all the CD/NLA educational sessions, click here.

Visit for more information.
