AOT Global World Class Chauffeured Transportation
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

NELA Alicia Hayes of American Classic Limousine and 50/50 Winner Joe Martellaro of Team Lancer/Research Underwriters NELA NELA Treasurer Terry Murtaugh of United Private Car, winner of CD 1/2 page ad, presented to him by Director Alicia Hayes of American Classic Limousine

On October 3, the New England Livery Association (NELA) held its annual golf tournament at Marlborough Country Club, one of New England’s top-rate courses. Originally scheduled for August 8, torrential rain and even a tornado warning led to a last-minute postponement. However, the rescheduled date delivered sunshine, cloudless blue skies, and 82-degree weather.

Dozens of sponsors and volunteers stepped up to make sure the event ran without a hitch, including Platinum Sponsors Above All Transportation, Lancer Insurance and Research Underwriters. Other top sponsors included Gold Sponsor Boston Carriage, Golf Cart Sponsor United Private Car, and Putting Contest Sponsor EngineIQ.

NELA Team L.A. Limousine

“Special recognition goes to the NELA Golf Committee: Alicia Hayes of American Classic Limousine, Brett Barenholtz of Above All Transportation, Brittni Bogar of All Points Limousine, Larry White of Boston Chauffeur, Steve Crispo of Research Underwriters, Terry Murtaugh of United Private Car, and Tina Benson of L.A. Limousine,” says NELA Executive Director Rick Szilagyi. “These NELA Board members continued their support of the event by serving as volunteers during the event, and were joined by Becky Laramee of All Points Limousine, Chris St. Cyr of American Classic Limousine, and, of course, Lynda Saitta of Momentum Drives, who is always at-the-ready to assist the organization.”

NELA Brittni Bogar of All Points Limousine NELA Tina Benson of L.A. Limousine and Lynda Saitta of Momentum Drives

Golfers were given the opportunity to qualify for a new addition this year, a putting contest sponsored by EngineIQ. Eight golfers qualified by sinking a 12-foot putt. Once the golfers finished their 18 holes, everyone moved back to the putting practice green, where the eight qualifiers had one chance at a 35-foot putt. One by one they stepped up, while the other qualifiers remained with their backs turned, so they did not receive an advantage watching the speed and break of the long putt. The prize, a large Yeti cooler provided by EngineIQ, went to Dylan Brown of Team All Points Limousine, with a putt 2.5 feet from the pin.

NELA Team All Points Limousine NELA Team United Private Car

After the contest, everyone sat down to the evening’s lavish dinner. Szilagyi began the program by thanking everyone for attending, and sharing NELA President Brett Barenholtz’s best wishes and apologies for not being able to attend. Szilagyi thanked Barenholtz for his leadership, and specifically pointed out his creation of online events with a nationwide draw during COVID, when the organization could not hold its usual in-person events. Szilagyi continued that after COVID, Barenholtz assumed the position as president, and continues to drive funding of the organization. Special guest David Eckstein of Valeria Global, who made the trip from New York, spoke briefly about the Semper Fi Fund’s Limo Patriot Ride, which is in the planning stages for the upcoming CD/NLA Show in Vegas.

NELA Stephanie McKeon and Gary McKeon of Joshua's Limousine

Prior to announcing this year’s winners, Szilagyi held up the perpetual trophy, and reviewed all of the past winning teams over the last 20-some years. There was much laughter at how many times Team L.A. Limousine had won, including the last three years of the tournament. And sure enough, at 13 under, Team L.A. Limousine won first place again.

  • First Place: L.A. Limousine (Justin Benson, Colin Pratt, Bill White, and Matt Dougherty)
  • Second Place: United Private Car (Eric Comeford, Matt Joyce, Shane Tattan, and Will Tattan)
  • Third Place: All Points Limousine (Kenneth Bogar, Dylan Brown, Dave Harrington, and Keith Carpenter.)
  • Longest Drive (Women): Stephanie McKeon of Joshua’s Limousine
  • Longest Drive (Men): Joe Martellaro of Lancer/Research Underwriters
  • Closest to the Pin: John Surette of American Classic Limousine

NELA Sunny Shah of EngineIQ and Dylan Brown of Team All Points Limo NELA Boris Leppeveld and Sunny Shah of EngineIQ NELA Steve Crispo of Research Underwriters

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