Lancer Insurance
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Durham, N.H. — Vendors In Alliance (VIA), the new vendors group comprised of companies deeply entrenched in providing solutions for the livery industry, held its first meeting on November 4th in Atlantic City, N.J., at the Chauffeur Driven Show. The meeting was a success, with well over a dozen attendees, including Jeff Brodsly of Chosen Payments, Arthur Messina of Create-A-Card, Amy Harris and Patty Ferris of Deem Ground, Pat Charla and Jennifer Wong of DriveProfit, Lisa Harding & Arnie Adamsen of LimoLive24, Chip Bowman and David Hirsch of Livery Coach Solutions, Derek Maxwell of Maxwell Unified, Dan Sutich of Perfect Chauffeur, Ryan Hilberth of Rental Limo, James and Jim Moseley of Trip Tracker, Laird Mooney of AMProd, Peter Heber of Advantage Funding, and Rick Szilagyi (Lexian Management). Topics included early-stage housekeeping issues including a 2015 yearlong commitment from all members, but also defined initiatives and developed the first year’s calendar. VIA members will meet monthly, often by conference call, with its next face-to-face meeting in Las Vegas in March.

The purpose of the organization was restated at the beginning of the meeting: to unite smaller vendors to create a larger voice, to share professional contacts/resources to enhance VIA businesses, to educate one another on each member’s products and services for a better understanding of the needs of our mutual clients, to bring in outside speakers/presenters on topics that will assist with the growth and operation of our individual companies, and in general to build industry presence.  One of the decisions made during the meeting was to donate $1,200 to the Ryan Seacrest Foundation. Brodsly and Szilagyi presented the donation at a charity event later that day, in the names of VIA and its individual member organizations. This is a testament to VIA’s purpose in building industry presence.

Vendors in Alliance is a professional organization of senior-level executives, committed to cooperation, education, the exchange of ideas, resulting in the growth of each member as well as the industry. 

Contact Rick Szilagyi at 603.868.7475, or for more information.
