Are you ready for Vegas? The Fall CD/NLA Show may still be fresh in your head, but you can bet we’re looking forward to our incredible return to Las Vegas this coming February 23-26. What’s more, we’re thrilled to announce that we’re returning to the fab Paris Hotel & Casino, located square on the strip. This convenient property is a favorite with the industry (no long walk to the meeting space), so we couldn’t be more excited.

Registration is now open for our much-anticipated event, so click the link to sign up today. We’re pleased to be offering a limited Fall Discount to help you save money. If you register by October 31, you can save an additional $50 off our already low Early Bird Rate! That’s $499 for a full show pass. But wait! NLA members save an additional $100, so you can get all four days of education, networking, and fun for just $399. Don’t snooze, because once Halloween is gone, so is this deal!

The CD/NLA Vegas show attracts thousands of operators from around the globe and offers a unique opportunity to make lasting connections. This year you can expect our largest-ever Affiliate Central Global Forum, an enormous show floor (which is selling out fast), a captivating keynote speaker, on-point sessions and roundtables, and dozens of opportunities for peer-to-peer networking. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more information about our educational programming, networking opportunities, and amazing nightlife. Whether you’re a first-time attendee or a seasoned veteran, the CD/NLA Show will have something for you.

“As a new operator, I came to the show not knowing what to expect, and had neutral expectations. Within one day, I immediately realized the show was everything I was looking for and more as a new operator. Not only did I get the education I was seeking, but my opportunities to network with operators from all over the world, blew my expectations out of the water,” says Patrick McKenna of Bing Mountain Luxury Transportation.
"I had an incredible time at the CD/NLA Show! The atmosphere was electric with a record number of attendees and new faces. The venue was fantastic, and the keynote speaker delivered an amazing motivational speech … I left feeling inspired and excited about the future of our industry,” says Kirk Bagger of Captains Car Service.
Also, in the days ahead, you’ll be able to take advantage of our unbeatable $165/night room block. This is sure to sell out—so keep those eyes open.
We look forward to seeing you in Vegas!
Visit cdnlavegas.com for more information.