AOT Global World Class Chauffeured Transportation
Friday, March 14, 2025

CLA Board Members The new CLA board (L to R): Vice President Mary Norby of Carey Denver/Corporate GT Denver, President Dianne Cavender of DDG Classic Limousine, Treasurer Nikko Ouzounis of A White Dove Limousine, Secretary Shauna da Silva of All Seasons Sedan, and Sargent at Arms Mary Claire Friesema of Red Boots Limousine. (Not pictured: Chairman of Board Shane Stickel of Presidential Worldwide Transportation.) Aurora, Colo. — In its first meeting of 2016, more than 20 members of the Colorado Limousine Association (CLA) convened January 19 for association and industry updates, insights from guest speakers, and the election of a new board.

The 2016 board, which was unanimously voted in, comprises:

President: Dianne Cavender of DDG Classic Limousine
Vice President: Mary Norby of Carey Denver/GT Denver
Treasurer: Nikko Ouzounis of A White Dove Limousine
Secretary: Shauna da Silve of All Seasons Sedans
Sergeant at Arms: Mary Claire Friesma of Red Boots Limousine
Chairman of the Board: Shane Stickel of Presidential Worldwide Transportation

CLA’s many committees provided updates regarding their recent activity and sought input for future progress. The Membership Committee detailed Chosen Payments’ new-member financial incentive and telemarketing campaign, wherein the company will contact past members and encourage them to rejoin based upon CLA’s revamped digital presence and membership value. The Hospitality Committee, which works hand in hand with the Membership Committee, will be sending out welcome packages to new members while the Public Relations Committee encouraged present members to utilize CLA social media and submit content for the association newsletter. The Legislative/PUC arm of the CLA reported that TNC regulations have been revised but not implemented, and discussed quarterly stakeholder meetings as well as 2016 PUC stickers.

The Education Committee, which is responsible for bringing relevant guests speakers to CLA’s membership meetings for additional educational value, offered a list of potential future speakers—and had secured the evening’s two guests. Merchant Advocate’s Business Development Director Cheryl Donahue spoke about her company’s services, seeking to eliminate unnecessary or inflated charges from its customers’ credit-card processing fees, while Denver International Airport’s (DIA’s) Manager of Ground Transportation Mike Percy discussed recent goings-on at the airport and how they affect chauffeured transportation operators, particularly the entrance and exiting procedures of DIA’s new Westin Hotel.

The next CLA membership meeting is scheduled for March 15.

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