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Sunday, December 22, 2024

Benchmark & Best Practices Benchmark & Best Practices united motorcoach association

Title Published Date
Benchmark & Best Practices: Video Conferencing Platforms 2021, March 09
Association meetings: Week of March 1, 2021 2021, March 02
Association Meetings: February 2021 2021, February 15
UMA Watching Regulatory Changes That Could Impact Industry 2021, February 02
Association Meetings: Week of January 25, 2021 2021, January 25
Benchmark & Best Practices: Tech Solutions to Reduce Labor 2021, January 25
Motorcoaches Play Major Role in Inauguration Festivities 2021, January 22
UMA Postpones EXPO Dates to April 2021, January 19
UMA Town Hall Provides Overview of CERTS Benefits 2021, January 12
Benchmark & Best Practices: Reducing Insurance Costs? 2020, December 28
Bus Associations React to Stimulus, CERTS 2020, December 21
Benchmark & Best Practices: Mandatory COVID Vaccine? 2020, November 30
Associations Ready to Work With New Administration, Congress to Pass Aid Package 2020, November 10
Bus Associations Grow Frustrated by Lack of Action on CERTS Act 2020, October 23
Benchmark & Best Practices: Finding Hidden Savings 2020, October 13
UMA Optimistic About CERTS Act at Virtual Town Hall 2020, September 23
UMA Virtual Summit Targets Employee Engagement 2020, September 15
UMA Still Eyeing CERTS Act for Industry Aid 2020, September 04
Motorcoach Industry Helps Evacuation Efforts During Hurricane Laura 2020, August 27
Association Meetings: Week of August 24, 2020 2020, August 25
Bus Associations Thank Sen. Collins for Support of COVID Relief 2020, August 24
Benchmark & Best Practices: Your Thoughts on Round Two for PPP 2020, August 24
UMA Town Hall Focuses on Sales During a Pandemic 2020, August 18
Bus Associations Fight On as Aid Talks Stall 2020, August 11
UMA Town Hall Details Pending Congressional Aid 2020, August 04
Benchmark & Best Practices: Vital Tech During COVID? 2020, August 04
UMA Virtual Summit Checks In With Participants 2020, July 21
Associations Support Bills for Motorcoach Aid, Automatic PPP Forgiveness 2020, July 14
Benchmark & Best Practices: Next-Step Deferrals With Lenders and Insurance? 2020, July 13
UMA Focuses on Economic Recovery and CERTS Act 2020, July 07
Senators Introduce the CERTS Act for the Bus Industry 2020, July 07
Benchmark & Best Practices: Have You Had Any Success with DIY Projects for Your Business? 2020, June 30
UMA Virtual Summit Offers Hours of RESTART Education 2020, June 23
UMA Talks Insurance, Virtual Summit 2020, June 16
Benchmark & Best Practices: What Business Sectors Are Recovering? 2020, June 16
UMA Virtual Summit Focuses on Restart 2020, June 08
UMA Shares Good News During Town Hall Meeting 2020, June 02
Benchmark & Best Practices: Offering Safety Kits? Installing Dividers? 2020, June 02
Prevost Joins Hundreds of Coaches in D.C. Rally 2020, May 15
Coach Operators Are Heard During D.C. Awareness Rally 2020, May 15
ABC Spearheads Motorcoach Rally With Industry Associations and Leaders 2020, May 11
Benchmark & Best Practices: Pursuing Personal or Professional Development Beyond COVID-19 2020, May 11
Motorcoach Rally to Highlight Industry Need for Funding 2020, May 01
ABA and UMA to Hold Motorcoaches Rolling for Awareness Event 2020, April 27
Benchmark & Best Practices: Keeping Employees Safe in the Office During COVID-19 2020, April 27
Benchmark & Best Practices: Office Duties During Coronavirus 2020, April 13
UMA Town Hall Filled With Advice, Much-Needed Optimism 2020, April 07
Benchmark & Best Practices: How Has Your Business/Market Been Affected by Covid-19 2020, March 13
Benchmark & Best Practices: Social Media Marketing in 2020 2020, February 13
Benchmark & Best Practices: Interest Rates for 2020 2020, January 20

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