AOT Global World Class Chauffeured Transportation
Wednesday, March 19, 2025

GCLA President Mo Garkani of The COTS Group Hayward, Calif. — The Greater California Livery Association (GCLA) reports a solid turnout for its first meeting of the year, held January 28 at the Northern California MCI Sales & Service Center. The evening meeting was sponsored by BMW, as well as Century Business Solutions, Chosen Payments, and MCCOY Auto Brokers.

The evening meeting delivered an array of educational opportunities, from a tour of MCI’s Hayward facility to state- and association-specific updates to a lecture on how labor laws affect the chauffeured ground transportation industry.

An up-close look at MCI’s motorcoach service center allowed the group to get a peek at the builder’s luxury coaches and learn more about the company itself before everyone reconvened for dinner.

After opening remarks from GCLA President Mo Garkani of The COTS Group, attendees also heard from the association’s lobbyist Gregg Cook of Government Affairs Consulting and Legislative Co-Chair David Kinney of API Global Transportation. The two provided updates from California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) as well as reminded everyone of the importance of participating in and supporting GCLA’s Day on the Hill in Sacramento, which is scheduled for March 11 this year.

With the passage of Assembly Bill 5 (AB5)—itself a testament to the statewide reform that’s possible when the industry uses its voice and unifies behind a dedicated cause—underscoring the need for additional conversations about labor laws and practices, GCLA hosted a lawyer-facilitated discussion about not only AB5 but also wage and hour, gratuities, and workers’ compensation. Joseph Lordan of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith was on hand to lend his clarifying remarks to the various topics.

GCLA’s next event will be its March 11 Day on the Hill in Sacramento. All California operators are invited to walk the halls to advocate for the state’s luxury ground transportation industry.

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